How do you choose the right coach?

2020-2022 was a time of surviving for so many of us! You might be one of the special ones who used the space and time to turn inwards and tune into yourself and discover what you really yearn for, what matters to you, and what you want to focus on. As we came out of our sheltering-in-place, I’m finding many people have either made big changes like moving to a new locale or switching jobs, or are itching to forge a different path forward. The pandemic gave us a break from our norm, and in that, we had space to assess if we wanted to return to "normal".

That pull to create something new, that yearning to transform may have you considering hiring a coach to help in the process. With the hundreds – no, make that thousands – of coaches out there, you might be asking yourself – how do I choose the right coach? It is daunting, and may prevent you from getting started, so here are a couple tips from my own experience of being a coach, and looking for my own.

The higher your intention, readiness and commitment to change, the less it matters who you choose to work with. Your consideration may only be how much you are willing to spend for a package of sessions. With high intent and commitment, you are more likely to use your coach to hold yourself accountable for certain outcomes, and to be open to going into yourself without defense as your coach asks you powerful questions to get you thinking more deeply about the underlying beliefs about that hold you back, and what it is you really want. You will be less likely to let your excuses hold you back as you begin to get the results you want.

But, ambivalence to change is very normal and part of our human need for comfort and security. If you're still ambivalent about your transformation process, focus on finding a coach that you feel comfortable with, connect to, and would feel willing to share vulnerable parts of yourself. Additionally, a coach’s track record and experience working with in the area you're looking to evolve is also a plus. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations or to speak with one of the coach’s past or current clients.

You may want to look at the people around you and notice the ones you admire, who is living a life that you feel inspired by? Don't just look for the people who have the stuff you want, but who has a good attitude and who handles life in a way that works? Ask them if they work with a coach and get a few recommendations to start there.

Many coaches are willing to have a chat first, or even a free session before engaging in a coaching contract. In the past year with so many people wanting and needing support, I began offering a no-charge 15 minute phone call followed by a lower cost discovery session. Potential clients then get a chance to find the value in what they experienced and discovered to feel more secure about moving ahead with the coaching relationship.

No matter what stage you are in the process of transformation as we communally move from surviving to thriving, keep going. You are worth it to keep taking the next step.

photo by Danielle MacInnes


What to expect from coaching


Men holding space for men.